How to Repurpose Content for Greater Engagement

How to Repurpose Content for Greater Engagement

Suppose you have a great blog. All articles perform really well and bring in considerable traffic to your website.

Except for the article that covers that really interesting topic that you thought had some potential, but for whatever reason, it just doesn’t perform how you hoped it would.

Most if not all content marketers can relate to this situation, because there is always some content that looks promising but never performs and delivers results that was hoped for.

As a content creator you really don’t want to get rid of this article because you spent so much time creating it. In this article we discuss How to Repurpose Content for Greater Engagement.

So what should you do?

How to Repurpose Content for Greater Engagement

There is absolutely no need to abandon every under-performing piece of content and erase it from your website after every content review.

Instead, why not reuse it? Reusing content means recycling certain content, giving it a new lease of life, and ultimately increasing your website’s content marketing efforts.

By doing this, you can discover a different way to uncover the potential of your content and ultimately make it work for you and your target audience.

The most surprising thing about reusing content is that there is no limit to your creativity. There are many types of content to choose from, and you will find it easy to find new uses for old content.

4 Suggestions for Repurposing Your Content:

1. Turn Your Old Blog Content Into a Content Kit

An idea we like to do is to use a bunch of older articles that are based around the same topic area and bring them together to form a guide, template, checklist etc, or possibly an eBook you can sell.

It’s a great solution to adapt a new look to your content, and new accessible forms of content you can offer to your readers.

By doing this you can use your content toolkit as a lead magnet to help attract new leads, it’s a win-win you increase your chances of increasing traffic, generating new leads, and possibly more sales.

It’s also important to remember that this information must be kept up to date, otherwise it will not provide quality value to your readers and could scare them away.

2. Repurpose Webinars into Podcast Episodes

At first glance, webinar content doesn’t have a lot of uses beyond the event itself.

However, the topics covered in webinars are often quite practical and can be useful to your audience. There are many ways to reuse your webinar content. One of them is to turn it into a podcast episode (if your business has one or thinking of starting one).

Why turn it into podcast and not a YouTube video?

It may be easier to convert your webinar recording and upload it to YouTube. However, reusing this content in podcasts means new coverage and new perspectives.

Also, not everyone has the time to watch YouTube videos, but they can manage to listen to your podcast episode on the way to work and commuting home from work.

How can you incorporate webinar content into a podcast episode?

Try to focus on the content and its value to your audience. For example, if you cover a How to repurpose content for greater engagement, you can talk about it in more detail in your podcast.

It may also be interesting to invite participants to this case study or have your listeners submit questions about it and answer them in a podcast.

3. Create an Infographic Out of a Blog Post

Another great idea for recycling old blog posts is to turn them into infographics. A great solution for blog posts that are loaded with data and hard to read.

You can make information look more structured and systematic, plus they are eye catching  and aesthetically pleasing.

And it’s not just blog posts that contain analytics and data that you can create into infographics. A brief guide can also be an infographic by reducing the information for each step into a few sentences.

Choosing an infographic as an option for repurposing also has its advantages for your website’s SEO.

According to statistics, infographics have the potential to increase traffic to your website by nearly 12%, and for good reason. Infographics are unique and not many brands are investing their time in them. Instead, they like to repost other brands’ infographics, thereby organically increasing referral traffic.

4. Launch a Library of eBooks Out of Old Blog Articles

Another great content repurposing idea that we are going to discuss is creating e-books from blog posts. E-books are publications in digital format, generally containing visual effects that illustrate specific topics.

In marketing, e-books are used to educate the target audience, generate leads, and increase brand awareness. If you have a rich blog with many articles covering the same topic, you can turn them into an e-book.

HubSpot does this quite often and has a complete library of e-books. Each eBook covers topics that appear on the HubSpot blog and sparked a lot of interest.

They are also great educational magnets, helping HubSpot not only repurpose old content, but also use it to acquire new readers and customers.

Invest in Repurposed Content

There is a good saying – all things new are well-forgotten old. The same goes for repurposed content: It can have a new life if it still has plenty of shots in the locker. 

Your task is to identify and recognise the potential of your content and put it into practice.

For example, if a group of old blog posts are still relevant today and may be useful to your target audience, turn them into a content toolkit.

Also, if some of your blog posts have too much data, turn it into infographics to make this data more readable (and get more traffic).

Also, if you have a group of blog posts that work really well, turn them into an e-book to breathe new life into them and possibly win over new leads.

Finally, if you report something interesting during the webinar, you can pay more attention to it in the podcast.

The webinar content is very useful, and sharing it with your audience will help you increase your participation and establish authority in your market segment.

If you’re wondering how to write better blog posts that rank well, this article will help you achieve this.

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