Tidy Workspace Improves Productivity

Tidy Workspace Improves Productivity

The workspaces that we sit at for the majority of our working day can also be a source of reduced productivity.

When it comes to motivation, we all have good and bad days, once motivation leaves us, it’s hard to get back on track.

There are many factors to lose motivation at work, fatigue and boredom, but our work space can also be the reason for our decreased productivity.

Our workspace becomes our home away from home, spending eight hours in the same place every day, be it an office or a storefront.

Like our home, our workspace can start to accumulate junk and unnecessary items, which will soon cause confusion and make work difficult.

What Effects Does a Minimalist Workspace Provide?

To see how congested workspaces affect productivity, we asked Andrew Marriott, the owner and founder of The Logo Creative, how his workspace had an effect on his working process.

When asked about the impact of a cluttered space on productivity, The Logo Creative founder Andrew Marriott said,

“I’m a big fan of minimalist workspaces. and believe in the saying “A cluttered desk, is a cluttered mind” to be honest, that’s the only way i like to work. I also can’t stand working with people whose desks are cluttered with junk, I find that can also distract me.

So what I sometimes do if I’m away from my studio desk is when I’m looking for a minimalist space to work from, I’ll look for a position that requires minimalist working, for example. cafes, co-working spaces, libraries, an empty table either outdoors or in a hotel room etc.

I’ll put out only the things i need for the task I’m working on, then tidy them away out of sight to move on to a different task”

Andrew Marriott – The Logo Creative

Just like Andrew mentioned, a cluttered desk equates to a cluttered mind and can distract from work.

Creating some space to get started can help prepare you for the rest of the day and help you find the motivation to go through your to-do list.

How to Deal With a Cluttered Work Area

There’s a lot we can do and also encourage employees to do to keep workspaces clear and clutter-free.

1. Invest in Draws and Storage Solutions

Papers and important documents can start to pile up on the desk if not tracked and properly organized. Investing in drawers and simple under-desk storage solutions can give you and your employees extra space to keep your desk well-ventilated.

For larger items that can take up valuable workspaces, self-hosted solutions could be the answer. These storage units can help get rid of excess furniture and equipment, while keeping workspaces open and minimalist.

2. Sort Out the Essentials From the Emotional Objects

Many of us will add ornaments, plants and emotional objects to our workspace to make them feel more “warm”.

We spend too much time on work, and if you are not careful, these elements may start to take over.

Choose what is completely necessary for your work, and if you like some kind of decoration in sight while working, choose only one item to keep.

Too many items on your desk or in your office can be distracting and distract you from the task you are trying to accomplish.

3. Participate and Encourage Daily Tidying

As soon as you start working, take the time to clean up your space. Daily cleaning can not only help you avoid clutter, it can also be a refreshing way to start your day. Getting rid of yesterday’s clutter can help you create a blank canvas to start a new day.

An organized workspace can help you get back into place for the day and allow you to focus only on your work. Working in the middle of a mountain of clutter can be distracting and create opportunities for procrastination.

You may even notice that when you sit down to work, you decide you can’t start until you’ve cleaned the area around you.

By cleaning up before work, you can avoid the temptation to organize yourself in the middle of the day.

By starting to work with a minimalist workspace, you will notice a significant increase in your productivity throughout the day.

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